We are science

Four scientists from the Open University, Dr. Heike Gerger, Dr. Ellin Simon, Dr. Jantine Boselie and Dr. Anke Lemmens, taught primary school children about emotions and specifically about the emotion of fear. What exactly is anxiety, where is it in your body and when do you have too much anxiety? This workshop was initiated by […]
Practice assistant youth (POH youth)

Since the introduction of the youth practice nurse (POH youth) in Dutch general practice, children with psychological problems are increasingly seen by this healthcare professional. In a recently published study, our colleague Dr. Heike Gerger, together with researchers from the Department of General Medicine of the Erasmus Medical Center, investigated which problems POH’s youth mainly […]
Knowledge Center for Anxiety and Stress in Youth

The Knowledge Center for Anxiety and Stress in Youth is part of Leiden University. Their mission is to recognize and remedy anxiety and stress complaints in children and young people as early as possible, by connecting research, practice, care and education. They work towards this goal through the following activities: There are currently three training […]